Divorce Lawyers Abbotsford BC

Understanding Child Custody Law in British Columbia

By  Gary Vulg |   | Posted in " British Columbia, Child Custody, Divorce, Family Law, Family Lawyer, Guardianship, Legal Advice "

Experienced Lawyer Abbotsford BC

When it comes to the welfare of children, the legal landscape can be particularly challenging to navigate. In British Columbia, child custody law aims to prioritize the best interests of the child, ensuring their well-being amidst the complexities of parental separation or divorce. This blog will delve into the intricacies of child custody law in British Columbia, offering a clear understanding for parents who are seeking the best possible outcomes for their children during these trying times.


Legal vs. DIY Separation Agreements: Pros and Cons

By  Gary Vulg |   | Posted in " Child Custody, Child Maintenance, Divorce, Family Violence, Separation Agreement "

Experienced Lawyer Abbotsford BC

When it comes to separation agreements, you have choices: go the DIY route or seek legal assistance. In Vancouver, BC, Law Office of Gary Vlug specializes in family law, including separation agreements. This blog explores the pros and cons of both approaches. Deciding to part ways with your spouse is a challenging and emotionally charged process, and when it comes to the legalities of separation, the choices you make can have long-lasting consequences. One significant decision is whether to opt for a professionally crafted legal separation agreement or attempt a do-it-yourself (DIY) approach. While both options have their merits, they also come with distinct advantages and drawbacks that can significantly impact your future. In this blog, we will delve into the world of legal vs. DIY separation agreements, exploring the pros and cons of each, so you can make an informed choice that best suits your unique circumstances and needs during this challenging time.


Property Division: Equitable Distribution in Separation Agreements

By  Gary Vulg |   | Posted in " Asset Division, Child Custody, Child Maintenance, Separation Agreement "

Experienced Lawyer Abbotsford BC

Property division can be one of divorce or separation proceedings' most complex and contentious aspects. In many provinces, the principle of equitable distribution is used to determine how assets and liabilities should be fairly divided between spouses. This legal framework seeks to achieve a just and equitable outcome, taking into account various factors, including the length of the marriage, each spouse's financial contributions, and their respective needs. Separation agreements play a crucial role in this process, outlining the terms of property division and other related matters by agreement between the parties involved. In this blog, we will delve into the concept of equitable distribution within separation agreements, exploring how it works and what factors are considered to ensure a fair and balanced division of marital property.


Guardianship vs. Power of Attorney

By  Gary Vulg |   | Posted in " Child Custody, Child Maintenance, Family Violence, Separation Agreement "

Experienced Lawyer Abbotsford BC

Life can take unexpected turns, and there may come a time when you or a loved one need assistance in managing important personal and financial affairs. In such situations, two common legal mechanisms often come into play: guardianship and power of attorney (POA). While both serve the purpose of making decisions on behalf of someone else, they differ significantly in their scope, process, and implications. In Vancouver, BC, the Law Office of Gary Vlug specializes in family law, including guardianship and power of attorney matters. In this blog, we will explore the distinctions between guardianship and power of attorney, helping you grasp the essential details of each option so that you can make informed choices when planning for the future.


Prenuptial Agreements: Pros and Cons

By  Gary Vulg |   | Posted in " Asset Division, Separation Agreement, The Hague Convention "

Experienced Lawyer Abbotsford BC

Prenuptial agreements, often referred to as prenups, are legal contracts entered into by couples before they marry or enter a civil partnership. These agreements outline how assets, debts, and other financial matters will be managed in the event of divorce or the death of one spouse. While prenuptial agreements have gained popularity in recent years, they have advantages and disadvantages that couples should consider carefully before signing. 

They can provide financial security and clarity, especially when one or both partners have substantial assets or debts before marriage. Prenups can also help protect family inheritances or business interests, ensuring they remain within the family's control in the event of a divorce. Moreover, these agreements can establish spousal support terms upfront, potentially reducing the emotional and financial strain of divorce proceedings. However, it's important to weigh these benefits against the potential drawbacks, such as the perception of distrust or the rigidity that prenuptial agreements may introduce into a marriage, as we delve further into the pros and cons of these legal documents.

At Law Office of Gary Vlug, we specialize in family law, including prenuptial agreements. 
In this blog, we will explore the pros and cons of prenuptial agreements, offering insights into how they can protect individual interests and potentially create complications within a marriage.


Terminating Guardianship: Process and Consideration

By  Gary Vulg |   | Posted in " Asset Division, Child Custody, Child Maintenance "

Experienced Lawyer Abbotsford BC

The process of terminating guardianship involves several crucial steps and considerations. Typically, it starts with a concerned party, often a family member or the individual under guardianship themselves, filing a petition with the court requesting the termination of the existing guardianship arrangement. This petition should provide compelling reasons and supporting evidence for the termination, emphasizing the person's best interests under guardianship. Subsequently, the court schedules a hearing where all relevant parties can present their arguments and evidence, including the current guardian and the individual under guardianship. The court then carefully reviews the case, taking into account the individual's current capacity to make decisions independently, and if it determines that terminating guardianship is in the person's best interests, it may issue an order outlining the specific terms and conditions of the termination.

When considering the termination of guardianship, the court's primary concern is always the well-being and best interests of the individual in question. Factors such as the person's mental and physical capacity, their ability to manage their own affairs, and the presence of a safe and supportive environment are crucial considerations. Additionally, the court may assess any potential risks or harm that may arise from terminating guardianship and take steps to ensure the individual's ongoing protection and welfare. Legal representation is often essential for all parties involved in the process to ensure that the termination aligns with the legal standards and principles governing guardianship proceedings.


Understanding Child Custody Laws

By  Gary Vulg |   | Posted in " Child Custody, Child Maintenance "

Experienced Lawyer Abbotsford BC

Child custody can be one of the most emotionally charged aspects of family law. If you're a parent and facing custody issues, you're not alone. Understanding child custody laws is essential for parents going through divorce or separation, as these laws establish the framework for determining where and with whom a child will live and how important decisions regarding their upbringing will be made. 

Child custody laws vary from province to province and can be complex, making it crucial for parents to understand the principles involved. These laws are designed to prioritize the child's best interests, and understanding their intricacies can help parents navigate the legal system more effectively, whether they are seeking custody or involved in a dispute over custody arrangements. In this guide, we will delve into the fundamental aspects of child custody laws, shedding light on key concepts and considerations that can empower parents to make informed decisions and work towards custody arrangements that benefit their child.


Making Children Our Focus During Divorce

By  External Author |   | Posted in " Divorce "

Original Article Source Credits:   Divorce Magazine , https://www.divorcemag.com/

Article Written By:  Alan Blotcky

Original Article Posted on:   April 21, 2021

Link to Original Article:  https://www.divorcemag.com/articles/making-children-our-focus-during-divorce


Winning a Child Custody Battle

By  External Author |   | Posted in " Child Custody "

Original Article Source Credits:   Verywell Family , https://www.verywellfamily.com/

Article Written By:  Debrina Washington

Original Article Posted on:  February 25, 2021

Link to Original Article:  https://www.verywellfamily.com/how-to-win-a-child-custody-battle-2997871


13 Ways to Strengthen a Marriage and Avoid Divorce

By  External Author |   | Posted in " Divorce "

Original Article Source Credits:   Verywell Mind , https://www.verywellmind.com/

Article Written By:  Wayne Parker

Original Article Posted on:   March 03, 2020

Link to Original Article:  https://www.verywellmind.com/strengthen-a-marriage-and-avoid-divorce-1270948